Showing posts with label English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English. Show all posts

Thursday 11 July 2013



In the lobby there are two man are doing conversation,

Gazian : Hi Bro, how do you feel today?

Adnan : I’m o.k., how are things today?

Gazian : very good, by the way how about your last holiday? Is it exciting?

Adnan : yes, It’s very memorable and exciting.

Gazian : Are you sure? Actually, where did you go in the last holiday?

Adnan : Last holiday I went to Japan for two weeks.

Gazian : Wow, that’s a wonderful country.

Adnan : Yes it is, Japan is very good in technology. The quality of Japan technology I

             think is number one in Asia therefore in the world.

Gazian : What kind of technology that you have tried?

Adnan : I have tried some modern technology, such as: motorcycle, watch,

             television, etc.

Gazian : So, what’s the difference between Indonesian technology and Japanese


Adnan : It’s very different, Indonesian technology is good enough, but Japanese

             technology much better than Indonesian technology.

Gazian : I think so, my hp is made in Japan.

Adnan : Haha, I am shy. I’m sure Indonesian technology will be better and be the best.
             Changes always happen. Indonesia will change be a great nation.

Gazian : I hope so.

Adnan : sorry, I have to go. That’s a nice conversation. Have a nice day.

Gazian : O.k. bye. See you.

Adnan : See you too.

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Bani  Israel (Arabic: بنو إسرائيل, Banu Israel) is the name for the family of the house of Israel Israel. This title is also the name used in the Qur'an when referring to the same thing, God often call Yaqub (Jacob English) by the name of Israel, the children and grandchildren called the Children of Israel. A letter in the Qur'an surah Al Israa 'also has another name which is widely known as the letter of the Children of Israel. The descendants of Isaac's son Esau first called Bani Ishaq.
The sentence comes from Bani Bani Israel in Arabic means descent and Israel are two sentences composed and said Isra means servant / friend close and El means God. Then the meaning of Israel are servants of God or a close friend of God. And in most Semitic languages, not only in Hebrew, the word of God El is always meaningful.
In the other sources say that Israel has the meaning of "walking in the prophecy." Because the story according to some sources, Yaqub often travel at night the day, because if he is to travel during the day, he was afraid to be found and tortured by his brother.
Of four of his wives Jacob had 12 sons, namely Rubin, Simeon, Lawway, Yahuda, Zebulaon, Issachar, Dann, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Joseph, and Benjamin.
The sons of Ya'qub is what is the origin of the term birth of the Children of Israel. They and their descendants are called as Al-Asbath, which means the grandkids. Sibith the Jewish nation is like a tribe for the Arabs and those who are in a sibith derived from the father. Each child Jacob later became the father of sibith Children of Israel. Then all the children of Israel came from the sons of Jacob, amounting to 12 people.
In this sibith-sibith later revealed the other prophets, among them are:
Levi, in his descendants are Moses, Aaron, Elijah, and Elisha.
Judah, in the offspring are David, Solomon, Zachariah, Yahya, Isa.
Brother, Jonah found in the offspring.
Character of the Israelites.
By Israel Bani properties described in the Qur'an as a man most stubborn, rebellious, pessimistic, covetous of the world, a coward, like insulting, mocking the prophet, as in sura Al-Ahzab: 69. Allah says:
"O ye who believe you must not be like those who hurt Moses." (Al-Ahzab: 69) "
Moses and the children of Israel (splitting the red sea)
Has shown some miracles by prophets Moses, Jesus and others. They still do not admit the truth about the teachings brought by the prophets. Assassination is not uncommon in the history of the Israelites, even their prophets, like Zakariyya and Yahya was killed. They also thought they had managed to kill him and proud of his efforts.
During Joseph has the power in Egypt, the Israelites were grown from seventy to three million people. Among them are hundreds of thousands of Jews from Judah's descendants were on average smart-witted but most of the nation has such a bad temper, miserliness, pride, worldliness, eager to master other nations, ashabiyah (fanatic), cruel and so forth.
Moses insulting.
Moses never insulted by the Israelites that Moses had a skin disease and have big testes, Moses never shared bathroom with them because Moses is described as a shy person. Proved after the stone that brings the story of Moses, who was bathing clothes, they just believe in Moses as a healthy person. This story is listed in one of the surah Al-Ahzab 33:69, which reads,
"O ye who believe, do not be like those who hurt Moses, God-tusduhan rid it of accusations that they say. And is he a man who has a respectable position in the sight of Allah. (Al-Ahzab 33:69) "
Prohibition of Palestinian land for the Children of Israel for 40 years.
When God reveals His command to Moses to lead his people to go to Palestine, the holy place which had been promised by God to Abraham to be the residence of his descendants, they rebelled and was reluctant to implement the command. Reason for their refusal is because they have to face Kana'an tribe that supposedly they are the people who are strong and powerful that can not be defeated and expelled by the power struggle. They do not believe in the promise of God through Moses, that with his help they will be able to drive out of town Ariha Kan'aan tribe to be a place of their settlement forever.
Among the Children of Israel, there are 2 people who advised them to be cautious in from the entrance to the city so that they could win. But the Children of Israel rejected that advice and catapult to Moses sentence that shows defiance and cowardice, "Go thou with thy Lord and fight, while we wait here."
Seeing the cowardly attitude of his people, then rose pitamlah Moses to his people who do not want to struggle and sweat to get a place but want to get them for settlement or through a miracle gift as they have experienced it and a lot of events. And the sad heart the words of Moses was mocking them, which indicates that their breasts are still not clean from the seeds of kufr and shirk to Allah. So that the Bani Israil were punished for having refused God's command to enter Palestine, God forbid it on their land for forty years and during that time they will wander wander over the earth God without having a fixed habitation place. They live in limbo until musnahlah them all and came following a new generation that will inherit the holy land as has been disanggupkan by God to Abraham. The story above is listed in the Qur'an sura Al-Ma'ida: 20-26.
Change Commandments
When they will enter the village in Baitul Maqdis promised and utter prostration while begging forgiveness, but they change the order by way of creeping in the ass and say hinthah, the "grain of wheat or beans in a strand of hair.". "And (remember), when We said: "Enter ye into the country (Baitul Maqdis), and eat of his produce, which is much more palatable where you like, and enter the gate while prostrate, and say:" Deliver us from sin ", We shall forgive faults, and later we will add (giving Us) to those who do good. "And the people who do wrong to replace the command with (doing) is not commanded them. So We sent down upon the unjust from the sky, because they have been wickedly rebellious. (Al-Baqarah 2:58-59) "
Reluctant to implement the law.
Children of Israel are reluctant to enforce laws contained in the Torah that God lifted the mountain Tursina to take a firm agreement.
"And (remember) when We took a promise from you and we lift hill (Mount Sinai) above you (while We said):" Hold firm and strong, what We have given you and listen! "They said: 'We hear but do not obey . "And have their hearts absorbed (the worship of) the calf because of their disbelief. Say: "It is wicked deeds that have been commanded thee faith if you truly believe in (the Torah). (Al-Baqarah 2:93) "
Unless they believe not see God directly.
"And (remember) when you said:" O Moses, we will not believe you until we see Allah manifestly, therefore you are struck by lightning, you are being watched. "(Al-Baqarah 2:55)"
"People of the Book ask thee that thou bring down to them a book from heaven. Then indeed they asked Moses bigger than that. They said: "Show a real God to us." So they were struck by lightning because kezalimannya, and they worshiped the calf, after coming to their tangible evidence, then we forgive (them) from the case. And We gave unto Moses the real information. (An-Nissa 4:153) "
Accused him of making fun of them.
When they were told to slaughter cows, to indicate who had killed one of them. "And (remember) when Musa said to his people:" Verily, Allah tells you to slaughter a cow. "They said: 'Do you want to make our fruit ridicule? "Moses replied:" I seek refuge in Allah from becoming one of those people that ignorant. (Al-Baqarah 2:67) "
Al-authored the book with their hands.
-They have fabricated al-kitab and they say this is from Allah.
"Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and then say:" This is from Allah ", (with intent) to gain a little with the deed. So woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they do. (Al-Baqarah 2:79) "
-Claiming that the original revelation is read
"Surely there is a party of them twirling the Book with their tongues, that ye may think that it is from the Book, but it is not from the Book, and they say:" He (who reads it comes) from Allah ", but it is not from Allah. They tell a lie against Allah while they know. (Al-'Imran 3:78) "
Change the Word of God.
"Do you still expect them to believe you, but a party of them heard the word of God, then they change it after they had understood it, knowingly? (Al-Baqarah 2:75) "
Worshiping the calf (musa story Samiri).
This worship occurs as they left Moses received revelation in the form of the Torah, one of the followers of Moses are still influenced mystique of ancient Egypt trying to make a statue of a cow, and then ordered him to worship the statue.
"And (remember) when We promise to Moses (Torah gives, after) and forty nights, then you took the calf (gods) after him and you are the ones who do wrong. (Al-Baqarah 2: 51) "
"Surely Moses had come to bring clear proofs (miracles), then you make the calf (as gods) after (departure) it, and in fact you are the ones who do wrong. (Al-Baqarah 2: 92) "
Said God Hand tied (miserly).
"The Jews say:" Allah's hand tied ", in fact they were shackled hand and caused dila'nat they are what they say it is. (Not so), but both the open hand of God; She spend as He wills. And the Quran revealed unto thee from thy Lord will indeed add to lawlessness and disbelief for most of them. And We have caused enmity and hatred amongst them till the Day of Judgment. Every time they kindle the fire of war Allah extinguished it and they do mischief on the earth, and Allah loveth not those who do mischief. (Al Maa'idah 5:64) "

God accused Faqir.
"Verily Allah has heard perkatan people who say:" Allah is precisely the poor and we are rich. "We will record their words and deeds that they killed the prophets unjustly, and We shall say (to them):" Taste ye doom of burning. "(Al-'Imran 3:181)"
God told Moses and fight for them.
"They said:" O Moses, we will not enter it at all once for ever, while they are on it, so you go with your Lord, and fight ye two, actually we're just sitting here waiting for it. "(Al-Maa ' waiting time 5:24) "
Story of Isa (Conspiracy rabbi).
The rabbis have devised a plot to get rid of Jesus. They want to expel Isa and prove that Jesus came to destroy the law of Moses. Shari'a Moses decided to stone an adulterous woman. The rabbis bring one eligible woman stoned. They gathered around Jesus and asked him: "Do not set the law to stone a woman to blame?" Jesus replied: "Yes," they said: "This is the woman is at fault." Jesus looked at her and she saw the rabbi. Jesus knew that the Jewish priests more than the woman's fault.
The priest was waiting for an answer Isa. If she says that she was not entitled to be killed, then it means that he opposed the law of Moses, and if he says that he is entitled to be killed, then he is destroying himself who brought law of love and tolerance.
Isa understand that this is a conspiracy that will set him up, then he smiled and his face was glowing. Then he saw the rabbi and the woman, and said: "Those of you who do not have a fault, then he shall stone her." Jesus set the new rules relating to the law imposed on those who do wrong. In Islamic law, taught Let those who have done no wrong to punish the wrong people and are not entitled to any of the human person to punish the guilty if he himself still has its faults, but it is God who must punish him.
Defamation of Bani Israel.
As Jesus continued to preach God's treatise, the Children of Israel to know the signs that it is not profitable. So the Children of Israel also took a stroll with slander Isa. It is said that Jesus is said to have the power as a witch and as a man who would change the law and they attribute his incredible strength to the power of the devil. When they no longer have the guile could cripple Isa and they see people who are weak and poor people gathered around him, then they started making a plot, which they began to influence the Romans. When the Jews were successful fighting Jesus, then they took the decision to remove life of Jesus.
Begin the chief rabbis discuss to make a conclusion on their way to arrest Jesus did not menirnbulkan noise in the middle of society. When the Jewish leaders consulted, then one of the disciples of the Messiah, the twelve, went to them, namely al-Iskhariyutha Yahuda, by asking a number of benefits. But in the end they could not kill Jesus.
Name of the Jewish children of israel and their origins.
Most historians agree that the naming of the Children of Israel with the "Hebrew" because Abraham crossing events crossing the Euphrates. This opinion is reinforced by what is contained in the Book of Joshua:
"Thus says the Lord of Israel crossing the river, where your ancestors lived since time immemorial, and the father of Abraham and father Nahur, worshiping other gods. So I brought Abraham to cross the river and walk on the ground Kana'an. "14)
Magazine al-'Arabi Kuwait contains an article written by the Reverend Isaac Ma'nâ at Salka with the title al-li-Tasmiyât Syu'ub ats-as-Sâmiyah Tsalâtsah al-Kubra "(The meaning of names Semitic Nation Big Three). In these writings he says, "The name (Hebrew) does not appear until after Abraham crossing the river Euphrates. "15) This opinion is an opinion that is closest to the truth than the opinions of others.
While the term "People of Israel (Isra'iliyyIn)" or "Children of Israel" is a term that is attributed to their father, Israel, Jacob ibn Ibrahim ibn Ishak Israel is a sentence composed and two words: Isra, which means servant or a close friend, and el, which means God. Then the meaning of Israel are servants of God or a close friend of God. And in most Semitic languages, not only in Hebrew, the word of God El is always meaningful '16)
Jacob a U.S. had twelve sons. Al-Quran mention the story of Jacob and his sons at various places, including in the surah Al-Baqarah verse 133:
"Are you present when Jacob's arrival (the signs) death, when he said to his sons, 'What do you worship after me?' They replied," We will worship your God and the God of your fathers Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, (ie ) God Almighty and we submit to Him. "
While naming them with "Jewish" appear when they repent and worship the calf. They said, "Verily we return (repent) to you." (Surah A1-A'raf: 156) That is, we repent and we get back to you.
According to a history, they are called Jews kareiia they were moving (yatahawwad) when reading the Torah. According to another report, they are called Jews because it is attributed to Judah, the fourth son of Jacob as, whose real name is Yehuza, a leader for the other eleven children of Jacob. Some scientists justify a mi. '17)
Dr.. Jawwad Ali said, "The term 'Jew' has a wider meaning than the term 'Hebrew' and 'Children of Israel'. This is because the term 'Jew', in addition pinned to the Hebrews, also attributed to the non-Hebrews who embraced the Jewish religion. "18)
While the origins of the Jewish, they include Semitic. Some observers of Near Eastern languages ​​found some clear similarities between them and other Semitic peoples, such as the Babylonians, Assyrians, Kana'an, Aram, Habasyah, Nabath, Arabic and others. 19) They come and Ibrahim, who has a special status for the three major world religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Ibrahim a U.S. is one of the great prophets in human history, as he struggles to bring the deity of monotheism and faith. His whole life was a series of sacrifice and sincerity in the way of his Lord. If we look at the verses of the Quran, we will find there some major events in the struggle to realize the faith of Abraham in the midst of his people, which is done with all the courage, based on rational argument and self-sacrifice.
Al-Quran as if asking us to pay attention to some moment. Ibrahim nature of a U.S. Allah says, "Verily Ibahim is a priest who can be a role model." (Surat an-Nahl: 120) He alone is "the people" who have all the attributes glorious and sublime. The Quran also says Ibrahim as, "Obedient to God." (Surat an-Nahi: 120) That is a humility, surrender, obedience and love the Lord God of hosts. God also was saying to Abraham, "Hanif (inclined to goodness). And occasionally he is not among those who mensekutukan (God). "(Surah AnNahl: 120) That is a Oneness of Allah and sincerity to Him. God also said to, "(Again) is grateful for the favors of Allah." (Surat an-Nahl: 121) That is the one who always thankful for the blessings and gifts of God. Allah also said the grand nature of every prophet, "Tell (O Muhammad) in the story of Ibrahim al-Kitab (al-Qurcin) this. Indeed it is a very justify a prophet. "(Surah Maryam: 41) A confirmation of the honesty and depth of his words. Allah also says the nicest properties among other properties, a trait that needs every man and his brother, another man, the nature of the mandate. Allah says, "And Abraham which the promise is always perfect." (Surat an-Najm: 37) That is a mandate, to fulfill all the commandments of God and obedience to every value and belief. Therefore, the noble prophet mi right to hold the gift of God: "God had chosen him and show him the right path." (Surat an-Nahi: 121)
History of the Hebrews/Israelites/Jews from the time of Abraham (2000 BCE) to 1650 CE.

According to the Torah, Abraham is called the first Hebrew, and the father of the Hebrews.  As it says in Genesis 14:13, "And there came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Hebrew; for he dwelt in the plain of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner: and these [were] confederate with Abram."  Also according to the Torah, Abraham's birth-name was Abram and Allah switched it to Abraham.  Genesis 17:5, "Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee."  Abraham became the father of 9 great nations (through his 8 sons) who begat other nations.  The first being the Arab nation of Ishmael. Genesis 25:12-16, "Now these [are] the generations of Ishmael, Abraham's son, whom Hagar the Egyptian, Sarah's handmaid, bare unto Abraham:  And these [are] the names of the sons of Ishmael, by their names, according to their generations: the firstborn of Ishmael, Nebajoth; and Kedar, and Adbeel, and Mibsam,  And Mishma, and Dumah, and Massa,  Hadar, and Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah:  These [are] the sons of Ishmael, and these [are] their names, by their towns, and by their castles; twelve princes according to their nations." The second nation is the  Roman nation of Esau (Edom) who was the other son of Isaac.  The third being the Hebrew nation of Jacob (The 12 Tribes of Israel).  The other 6 nations are the sons of Keturah, the wife he took after Sarah died, that he sent to the east (India, etc.).  Genesis 25:1-2, "Then again Abraham took a wife, and her name [was] Keturah.  And she bare him Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah."  Genesis 25:5-6, "And Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac.  But unto the sons of the concubines, which Abraham had, Abraham gave gifts, and sent them away from Isaac his son, while he yet lived, eastward, unto the east country."

There is an evolution of names for the Hebrews (the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob).  THE TWELVE SONS OF JACOB (Genesis 29:31-30:24; 35:16-26):
· Sons of Leah: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun
· Sons of Rachel: Joseph and Benjamin
· Sons of Bilhah (Rachel's handmaid): Dan and Naphtali
· Sons of Zilpah (Leah's handmaid): Gad and Asher

The twelve sons of Jacob became known as the Children of Israel, as Jacob was later called.  Genesis 32:28, " And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed."  Prophet Joseph, (Jacob's son), had 2 sons of his own, Manasseh and Ephraim, each of them became a tribe of Israel.  All of the 12 tribes received a portion in the land of Israel, except Levi who was scattered amongst all of the 12 tribes.  As it says in Joshua 14:4, "For the children of Joseph were two tribes, Manasseh and Ephraim: therefore they gave no part unto the Levites in the land, save cities to dwell [in], with their suburbs for their cattle and for their substance." See the 
map of the inheritance of Israel's Sons in the Promised Land.

The origin of the name 
Jews is given below.  Because all Jews are Hebrews, Jews casually refer to all past Hebrews as Jews.  So as the Qur'an says in 3.65: "Ye People of the Book! Why dispute ye about Abraham, when the Torah (Law) and the Gospel Were not revealed Till after him? Have ye no understanding?" and in 3.67: "Abraham was not a Jew nor yet a Christian; but he was true in Faith, and bowed his will to Allah's (Which is Islam), and he joined not gods with Allah."  And Sahih Bukhari Volume 8, Book 77, Number 597: Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "No child is born but has the Islamic Faith (submitting to God), but its parents turn it into a Jew or a Christian."  On the technical level, Jews know that Abraham was not called a Jew, but was called a Hebrew.  It is only because Hebrews are now called Jews that Abraham is referred to by the Jews as the first Jew.  If all Jews were referred to as Hebrews right now, Jews (or Hebrews) would refer to Abraham as the first Hebrew, which he was.

Qur'an 5.20-26, "Remember Moses said to his people: "O my people! Call in remembrance the favour of Allah unto you, when He produced prophets among you, made you kings, and gave you what He had not given to any other among the peoples. "O my people! Enter the holy land which Allah hath assigned unto you, and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin." They said: "O Moses! In this land are a people of exceeding strength: Never shall we enter it until they leave it: if (once) they leave, then shall we enter." (But) among (their) Allah-fearing men were two on whom Allah had bestowed His grace: They said: "Assault them at the (proper) Gate: when once ye are in, victory will be yours; But on Allah put your trust if ye have faith." They said: "O Moses! while they remain there, never shall we be able to enter, to the end of time. Go thou, and thy Lord, and fight ye two, while we sit here (and watch)." He said: "O my Lord! I have power only over myself and my brother: so separate us from this rebellious people!" Allah said: "Therefore will the land be out of their reach for forty years: In distraction will they wander through the land: But sorrow thou not over these rebellious people."
Qur'an 7.137: "And We made a people (the Bani Israel), considered weak (and of no account), inheritors of lands in both east and west, - lands whereon We sent down Our blessings. The fair promise of thy Lord was fulfilled for the Children of Israel, because they had patience and constancy, and We levelled to the ground the great works and fine buildings which Pharaoh and his people erected (with such pride)."

When Moses died in what is now called Jordan, his successor Prophet Joshua (Yusha bin Nun) led the Israelites into the land of Canaan in roughly 1300 BCE and defeated the 7 nations living there with the help of Allah.  They brought the ark of the covenant (the stone tablets given to Moses) to Hebron and put them in a tabernacle (tent).  King David in roughly 1000 BCE ruled the Kingdom of Israel made up of the 12 tribes and wanted to establish his capitol in Jerusalem, and so he did and reestablished the tabernacle on Mt. Moriah.  And that is why Jerusalem is called the city of David.  He also wanted to make a Temple for the ark of the covenant but Allah told him that he had too much blood on his hands because he was a warrior, seeing as though he was always fighting neighboring nations who were attacking the Kingdom of Israel (such as Jalut and the Philistines).  Allah told him that his son Solomon would be the one to build the Temple.

And so then Prophet Solomon built the Holy Temple (Bait ul Maqdis) in Jerusalem on Mt.Moriah in roughly 965 BCE and established the worship of the One God for all the 12 tribes.  When he died after ruling for 40 years, the 
Kingdom of Israel split into 2, the northern Kingdom of 10 tribes (It consisted of nine landed tribes: Zebulun, Issachar, Asher, Naphtali, Dan, Manaseh, Ephraim, Reuben and Gad, and some of Levi [which had no land allocation]), retaining the name Israel with Samaria as its capital. And the southern Kingdom of the tribes of Judah, Simeon, Benjamin, and part of the tribe of Levi going by the name of Judea has Jerusalem as its capital.  In 721 BCE, the Assyrians came and destroyed the Northern Kingdom of Israel and they became known as the 10 lost tribes, because no one knows what happend to them.

Qur'an 17.4-8: "And We gave (Clear) Warning to the Children of Israel in the Book, that twice would they do mischief on the earth and be elated with mighty arrogance (and twice would they be punished)!  When the first of the warnings came to pass, We sent against you Our servants given to terrible warfare (the Babylonians): They entered the very inmost parts of your homes; and it was a warning (completely) fulfilled.  Then did We grant you the Return as against them: We gave you increase in resources and sons, and made you the more numerous in man-power.  If ye did well, ye did well for yourselves; if ye did evil, (ye did it) against yourselves. So when the second of the warnings came to pass, (We permitted your enemies (the Romans)), to disfigure your faces, and to enter your Temple as they had entered it before, and to visit with destruction all that fell into their power.  It may be that your Lord may (yet) show Mercy unto you; but if ye revert (to your sins), We shall revert (to Our punishments): And we have made Hell a prison for those who reject (all Faith)."

Qur'an 17.104: "And We said unto the Children of Israel after him: Dwell in the land; but when the promise of the Hereafter cometh to pass We shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of various nations."

In 586 BCE, the Babylonians ("the first of the warnings") came and destroyed the Temple of Solomon and exiled the Judeans to Babylon.  As the Psalmist writes, "By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, we also wept, when we remembered Zion.We hung our lyres on the willows in its midst. For there those who carried us away captive required of us a song; and those who tormented us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion. How shall we sing the Lord's song in a foreign land? If I forget you, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.If I do not remember you, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I do not set Jerusalem above my highest joy." (Psalms 137:1-6)  It was during this time that the Babylonians starting calling the Judeans, Jews for short, and their religion became known as Judaism. In 516 BCE, after Cyrus the Persian defeated the Babylonians, he commissioned the Jews to go back to Jerusalem and rebuid the temple.  As the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) says, "In the first year of Cyrus, king of Persia, upon the conclusion of the Lord's prophecy, by the mouth of Jeremiah, the Lord aroused the spirit of Cyrus, king of Persia, and he issued a proclamation throughout his kingdom - and in writing as well, saying, "Thus said Cyrus the King of Persia, 'All the kingdoms of the earth has the Lord, God of heaven, given to me and He has commanded me to build him a Temple in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whoever is among you of His entire people - may his God be with him - and let him go to Jerusalem which is in Judah and build the Temple of the Lord..." (Ezra 1:3)  And so under the leadership of Ezra (Uzair), they returned and rebuilt the Temple.  This was in fulfillment of the Prophet Jeremiah who prophecized, ""And this whole land [of Israel] shall be a ruin, and a waste, and these nations [the tribes of Israel] shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years. And it shall come to pass, when the seventy years are fulfilled, that I will punish the king of Babylon ..." (Jeremiah 25:11-12)  and "For thus said the Lord, "After seventy years for Babylonia have been completed, I will attend to you, and I will fulfill for you My favorable promise -- to return you to this place (the land of Israel)." (Jeremiah 29:10).

During the next 500 years, the Jews would go through many trials and tribulations by invading pagan armies, such as the Persians, the Syrians, the Greeks, and the Romans.  Finally in 70 CE, forty years after Jesus, and after the Jews had revolted against Roman occupation of Judea, the Romans ("the second of the warnings") destroyed the second Temple.  Then in 135 CE, the Jews revolted again and when they were defeated, the Romans exiled them out of Jerusalem and Judea into the vast Roman Empire.  It was at this time that the Pagan Roman Emporer Hadrian renamed Judea to Palestina after the Israelites long time enemies (the Philistines) in an attempt to disassociate the land from the Jews.

On Mt. Sinai, Prophet Moses had been given a written Torah and an oral Torah (the Mishnah).  The written Torah is the equivalent to the Qur'an and the oral Torah is the equivalent to the Hadith which are explanations of the written Torah and how to implement it in your life.  For example, the Qur'an tells you to pray but not how to pray.  The Hadith goes into the details of teaching you how to pray.  Another example, the Qur'an says that a woman should cover her body and be modest but does not give the details, the hadith tells her exactly what she needs to cover.  The same is with the Torah and the Mishnah.

It was at about 200 CE that Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi decided to committ to writing the Oral Torah (Mishnah) that had been given to Moses and passed down through the generations orally by memorization, so as to prevent it from being forgotten in the diaspora.  By the beginning of the 5th century, there were 2 main centers of Jewish scholarship, that being in Palestine and of Babylon (Iraq).  It was at this time that Rabbi's in Jersalem wrote a commentary on the Mishnah, called the Gemara, together becoming the Jerusalem Talmud.  And then in the beginning of the 6th century the Rabbi's of Babylon wrote their own commentary on the Mishnah, and that became known as the Babylonian Talmud.  The Babylonian Talmud having more precedence over the Jerusalem Talmud as far as scholarship, that is the one that is studied in the modern day more intensely.

The Mishnah is divided into 6 books.  There is the book of Seeds dealing with agricultural issues and daily prayer.  The book of set feasts handles the ritual requirements of the Sabbath, festivals, and fasts.  The book on women deal with matrimonial law, women's rights and responsibilites, and the laws of divorce and vows.  The book of damages treats many types of civil and criminal law along with a popular ethical guide.  The book on sacred things deals with formal ritual of the Jerusalem Temple.  And finally the book on ritual cleanliness (Tohorot=Taharah) treats various aspects of human, ritual, and food purity.

It was in the early fourth century, that the Roman Empire became Christian under the rule of the Emporer Constantine.  Until this time there had always been a debate within Christendom as to whether Jesus was Divine (trinitarianism) or whether he was just a human Messiah (unitarianism).  The struggle became so intense that it was brought before the Emporer and at the Council of Nicea in 325 CE, Constantine declared the "Holy Trinity" as part of official Christian dogma.  Along with this official declaration of the rejection of  Jewish Christianity, the Gentile Christian world became very hostile to the Jews.  So much so that they forbid Jews from living or visiting Jerusalem and they used the holy Temple Mount as a dung hill.

It was not until the 
Caliph Omar took over the city of Jerusalem in 638 CE from the Christians, that he cleaned off the Temple Mount with his own bare hands, rededicated the site for a place of worship and had the Masjid ul Aqsa built there,  as well as allowing the Jews to live in Jerusalem again.  It was from that time on that the Jews always preferred living under Muslim rule than Christian rule because they were actually given human rights and treated as fellow worshippers of Allah.

Until the early 12th century, roughly 90% of the world's Jewish population lived in Muslim lands (Spain, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Egypt).  It was only when the 
Almohads disrupted the Golden Age of Spain, that Jews starting moving en masse to Germany, Poland, Russia, and the rest of Christian Europe.  For example, Jews did not start going to Poland until 1264 CE!  Following the expulsion of Jews and Muslims from Spain in 1492, Jews were welcomed into Ottoman lands by Sultan Bayezid II, who declared: "They tell me that Ferdinand of Spain is a wise man but he is a fool. For he takes his treasure and sends it all to me."  As the Ottoman Empire spread, the Turks came to Israel, and it was the greatest of the Ottoman sultans, known as "Suleiman the Magnificent," who re-built the walls of Jerusalem. It is fascinating that Suleiman is Turkish for Solomon - and that it is his walls that define the Old City of Jerusalem to this day.  At this time many Jews started to return to the Land of Israel.  By 1650, geographically, about half the Jewish population was located in the Middle East, with a high concentration in Turkey and the lands of the Ottoman Empire (like Palestine). And about half in Europe, with a high concentration in Eastern Europe (Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania.) 
                                                                                                                       Nur Habibah (2C-1

Simple Sentence

Kawan pada kesmpatan kali saya ingin berbagi contoh simple sentence, disini saya tidak memberi penjelasannya saya hanya memberikan contoh kalimatnya saja. Ini adalah contoh kalimat yang dibuat oleh teman kampus saya. Oke tidak usah panjang lebar, silahkan....

1.     Simple sentences with 1S + 1V
o   He always calls his girl friend every night.
o   My best friend has gone to abroad twice.

2.     Simple sentences with 1S + 2V
o   At the same time yesterday, my friends were singing and dancing in Agus’ house.
o   My two friends always play game and sing a song every Sunday in our room.

3.     Simple sentences with 2S + 1V
o   His uncle and his father were going to New Zealand at 07 o’clock this morning.
o   She and he have met their teacher four times in this class.

4.     Simple sentences with 2S + 2V
o   Jhon and his child will buy old car and will sell it to the showroom tomorrow.
o   My mother and my father always cook and eat Pecel together every day in the kitchen.

Created by - Bustanul firdaus


One day in hall of badminton there are two man, they are meeting at the tennis court.

Adnan  : Hey, Ki! Good day!

Rizki  : Good afternoon, Adnan!

Adnan  : How are you doing Rizki?

Rizki : Not bad, what are you doing here, Adnan?

Adnan  : I would like to play badminton, so I’m here. How about you ?

Rizki  : I do too. It’s my hobby, I usally come here twice a week. How
                many times you come Here in a week?

Adnan  : This is my first time in here, before this I play near my house.

Rizki  : Hey Nan, what’s your hobby beside badminton?

Adnan  : I like travel. I like travel to the green place because it’s so make me
                relax. How about you, Rizki?

Rizki  : I like listen music, almost all my time waste by listen music, I like
             Linking  Park’s song  It’s so beautiful.

Adnan : Oh I do too, I like linkin’ park, we have a same thing. Let’s play

Rizki  : O.k. let’s play


The Imam, The Guided One, The Promised Deliverer,
The Final Caliph from the Quraysh, The Deputy of Allah
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has prophesied about several events that will occur just before the advent of the Day of Judgment.  Among these, Rasulullah (SAW) has foretold the advent of one of his descendants, the Mahdi (the guided one), which will materialize when the believers are severely oppressed in every corner of the world.  He will fight the oppressors, unite the Muslims, bring peace and justice to the world, rule over the Arabs, and lead a prayer in Mecca at which 'Eessa (Jesus) will be present.
Throughout the history of Islam, a few individuals -- driven either by the desperate state of Muslims in their community or a selfish pursuit of power and prestige -- laid claim to being the Mahdi or found a following among the uninformed masses, looking for salvation from the heavens.  For some of these individuals (like Bab of Iran or Mirza Ghulam of India) the claim to being the Mahdi was just a stepping stone to the development of heretic sects which broke away from the fold of Islam.  Thus, it is at least prudent to visit the facts of this prophecy and avoid falling pray to false claimants that will appear from time to time.
Among the major signs of the Day of Judgment is the advent of the Mahdi. The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) predicted the coming of the Mahdi towards the end of this worldly existence, i.e. just before The Day of Judgment.
Hazrat Abu Hurayrah (radiyallahu anhu) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:
"If only one day is left for the end of the world, Allah will lengthen that day until a man from my family, whose name will be the same as mine, rules the world.” (Tirmizi Shareef)
This indicates the emphasis, which The Holy Messenger of Allah Sallallahu alayhi wasallam laid on the coming of the Mahdi. This page contains many details about the life and advent of the Mahdi, and all these facts are derived from authentic sayings on this topic.
There is much speculation nowadays on whether the Mahdi has already been born and if so, what would be his present age, and when the impending appearance. Some Ulama have claimed that he is already born. However, Muslims should realize that mere speculation does not represent concrete evidence upon which any firm and clear-cut ruling could be based. Hence, the best course of action is to believe that the Mahdi will appear before the Day of Judgment, but exactly when, only Allah knows. The exact date and time of his arrival we leave to The Knowledge of Allah. However, the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) did give certain signs, which will herald the arrival of this great Imam. The sayings on this issue leave no room for rejecting or even doubting the coming of the Mahdi. Neither do the facts leave us in the dark as to recognizing this great Imam when he eventually does arrive.
The term "MAHDI" is a title meaning "Guided one". The Mahdi is a normal man who is going to follow the true Islam. His name will be Muhammad and his father's name will be Abdullah. He is a descendant from Ali and Fatima (daughter of the prophet Muhammad) so he will be descendant from Hasan or Hussein or both. The Mahdi will be very just and his capital will be Damascus. The Mahdi is NOT a prophet but he is the final Rightly Guided Khalifa from the Quraysh. He will lead Muslims to a great victory against the Sufyaani, as well as others like him, in six years, thus establishing his rule over the region. Following this would be the Great war, which will end up with a great victory for the Muslims against the Romans after six years. Muslims would take over their capital, Rome (this can be any city) without the use of a single weapon. In the following year, the Dajjal (false Messiah) will appear and a greater war will start between his followers and the believers  for 40 days (longer that usual days) and will end when 'Eessa ("Jesus") will come and slay the Dajjal along with his followers. All the remaining people (those that did not follow the Dajjal) will embrace Islam, and the Mahdi, with 'Eessa, would rule the whole world with equity and justice for seven years thereafter, during which peace would prevade.

The following are facts taken from the sayings of the Messenger of Allah( Sallallahu alayhi wasallam):
Name and Title
His name will be the same as that of The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam), i.e. Muhammad. In addition, his father's name will be Abdullah. His title is the-Mahdi, meaning the guided one. The Holy Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam also called him Khaleefatullah, meaning "Deputy of Allah".
The Mahdi will belong to the tribe of Qurayish and will be a sayyid (chief), descending from the family of Fatima, the offspring of Hasan son of 'Ali, son of Abu Talib. His father's name will be Abdullah.
He will have the character and morals of the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam). In one night Allah will grant him unique qualities of faith, piety, leadership and knowledge, hence the title Mahdi.
 Narrated Ali ibn Abu Talib:
Abu Is-haq told that Ali looked at his son Hasan and said: "This son of mine is a sayyid (chief) as named by the Prophet :saws:, and from his loins will come forth a man who will be called by the name of your Prophet :saws: and resemble him in conduct but not in appearance." He then mentioned the story about his filling the earth with justice.
(Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 36, No. 4276A)
 He will be born in Medina Shareef.
He will be tall with a fair complexion, having a broad forehead and an aquiline nose, with a mole on his right cheek. His face will be like a glittering star and his body will be like that of the people of Israel. He will have a slight stutter in his speech, as a result at times he will hit his thigh with his palm.
Before the appearance of the Mahdi, the world will be filled with a great amount of injustice and oppression. There will be widespread evil in which all people will be heavily involved. Throughout the world, earthquakes would occur frequently, corruption would be rampant, innocent people would be massacred, with major events and appalling things happening. Terrible wars, anarchy and chaos would also become common place, with constant bloodshed. As a result, great cities would be destroyed/ruined.  Muslim countries and their people will have become so weak that even animals would defeat them in battle, due to their love of life, and fear of death, as well as their disunity. On the other hand, the Kuffar of the whole world would be united under one leader. Their rule would spread over the entire world, and would reach as far as Khyber, a mere hundred miles from Medina Shareef. Such would be the dominance of the kuffar during that era. The Muslims would also be under severe persecution and oppression, not only from the Romans, but also from the tyrannical leader of that time (i.e. the Sufyaani), who will rule Syria. The Ahl ul-Bait (Family of Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) will experience difficulties and persecution under his reign. The Abdaals and pious leaders will all be on the lookout for the Mahdi, knowing that only he could bring relief to the failing Ummah.

Among the general signs of the Mahdi, there are also specific events that lead up to his appearance.
Here is an esoteric narration, which demonstrates this:
Narrated by Abu Hurayrah:
"'The war of the end of time is the war of the world. There will be a third war after two great wars in which many are killed. He who will light the fires of the second world war will be known as the 'Great Leader'. 1300 years after the Hijra, count a few decades. At that time, the Greek King wants to wage a war against the entire world. Meanwhile, Allah commands the war for that man. A short while later, that is, in two decades, a man whose name is associated with a cat name from the German lands, appears as a scourge on the Romans. He starts to bother people and wants to hold control over the world. He wages war against the entire world, both the warm and cold lands. After years filled with severe war fires, he meets Allah's punishment. Then, he is killed as the Russian's mystery. Count five or six or seven or eight decades after 1300 of Hijra. At that time, a man called "Nasser" rules Egypt. Arabs call him "succa-ul Arab", the "brave of the Arabs." Allah despises him twice, once in a war, and then in another one. That "Nasser" can never attain victory. Upon this, Allah, the Lord of the House, makes a dark-colored person, whose father is more enlightened than himself, the leader of the Egyptian people and the Arab nation. But, he makes an agreement with the thieves of the Masjid al-Aqsa. Then a cruel man appears in Iraq, which is located in the Damascus region. This man, with a slight injury in his eye, is a Sufyaani. His name comes from confrontation (Saddam), and he is confrontational against his opponents. All the world gathers for him in small Kut, the region to which he came previously because he was deceived. There is no good in that Sufyaani except with Islam and he is both good and bad.....and woe to he who betrays the trustworthy Mahdi. Count two or three decades after the year/decade of Hijri 1400. At that time, the Mahdi emerges. He fights the whole world and both the ones who have gone astray (Christians) and the ones who have earned Allah's anger (Jews) join against him with the hypocrites in the land of Isra and Miraj at Mount Megiddo. And there comes out against him the Queen of the world and deception, an adulteress called (America), who incites the world to deviation and infidelity...and the Jews of the world at that time would have the upper hand , ruling Quds and the holy city. And all nations come to fight by sea and air except those in the land of extreme cold and the land of extreme heat. And the Mahdi sees that all the world does plot against him, but he also sees that Allah's plan is stronger than all, and he sees that the World belongs to Allah and to Him it will return, and that the World is but a tree that Allah wills him to rule from its roots to its branches.......and Allah throws down on them (unbelievers) with a disastrous punishment, burning their lands and seas and skies. And the sky rains down a harmful shower, with the people of the Earth cursing the infidels, and Allah wills the defeat of the unbelievers."

(Asmal Masalik Lieyyam Mahdiyy Maliki Li Kull-id Dunya Biemrillah-il Malik ("The Best ways to know the time of the Mahdi, King of the World, by Allah's command"), Qalda bin Zayd, p. 216)
The source mentioned for this narration, is a rare hand-written book (manuscript), dated around 300 years after the Hijra and is found today, in Istanbul, Turkey in the Süleymaniye Library, under the section listed as "Islamic manuscripts 3664/ Al Medina Al Munawara". This book contains an amazing collection of narrations, compiled by its author, Qalda son of Zayd son of Baraka, in Medina.
It is said in another book, “Kitab Al-Fitan” by Abu `Abdullah Nu`aim bin Hammad, that Abu Hurayrah had two areas of knowledge he gained from the Prophet; one of them he imparted, while he hid the other. Abu Hurayrah commented on that saying that if he had imparted the other area of knowledge, he would have been slaughtered (and he pointed to his neck when saying so). The same hadith of Abu Hurayrah's "hidden knowledge" is also confirmed in Sahih Bukhari:
Narrated Abu Hurayrah:
"I have memorized two kinds of knowledge from Allah's Apostle . I have propagated one of them to you and if I propagated the second, then my pharynx (throat) would be cut (i.e. killed)."(Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, Book 3, No. 121)
The prophetic narration in question is obviously from this area of knowledge he "hid". On his deathbed (he died in 59 AH / 681 CE), he is said to have disclosed this "hidden knowledge" to others, including the narration in question. The (...) is where the text was eroded. As we know, the Dajjal and the son of Maryam both appear during the time of the Mahdi. Therefore, I'm going to assume that 'Eessa's descent happens in the last eroded text, and the Dajjal's appearance happens in the 2nd-to-last eroded text.
So, to briefly summarize; the Mahdi will fight the entire world in his jihad for equity and justice with Islam. They will gather against him on Mount Megiddo, and America too will come out against him. Amidst their failure to stop the Mahdi, the Dajjal will emerge to offset the Mahdi's revolution with deceptive miracles and a false religion, and the Mahdi will fight him as well. Then, under the Dajjal, the nations of the world will come to fight against the Mahdi by sea and air. As they fight the Mahdi and his armies, the Messiah son of Maryam will descend. His descent will spell the end of the Dajjal, along with his followers, and a defeat with a disastrous punishment for the unbelieving nations that joined with the Dajjal against the Mahdi. Allah's will would be fulfilled, and the Mahdi will rule the world, equitably and justly through Islam, as he is destined to, with the Messiah 'Eessa (Jesus), son of Maryam there to help and succeed him in doing so.
It's time-framing of future events, although it may seem strange and suspicious to some, isn't really unusual, as we can see this being done in the Qur'an (30:2-5) and in a few mainstream ahadith (the end of the Rashidun Caliphate for example, in the Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi and Hanbal ahadith collections). The naming of people and locations also isn't unusual for prophecies in ahadith literature. What is unusual about this one, is its implied use of the hijrah calendar. However, it was narrated by Abu Hurayrah on his deathbed, and he lived during the time the hijrah calendar was first officially used by the 2nd Caliph 'Umar ibn al-Khattab during his rule. This would give its implied use of the hijrah calendar precedence related to the time period it was first narrated to others. What this would imply, however, is that this hadith isn't an exact quote from the Prophet, but rather, it might've been "converted" to the hijrah calendar by Abu Hurayrah, when he conveyed it to others on his deathbed. This could possibly explain the uncertainty of the exact decade an event is to occur, in relation to the hijrah calendar, while, in relation to other events mentioned (i.e. the time between World War 1 and World War 2) the exact number is given (i.e. 2 decades).

Before the Mahdi's appearance, there would be those who pave the way for his appearance. They would also act as Caliphs in his place, and therefore, would be proxy Caliphs, or proxy Mahdis.
Ibn-i Munawi said that, "Danyal (Daniel) (as) reported in his book that:
"There are 3 Sufyaanis and 3 Mahdis. When the first Sufyaani appears and his name and fame become widespread, the first Mahdi will confront him, the second Mahdi will confront the second Sufyaani and the third Mahdi will confront the third Sufyaani and Allah, the Exalted, will send him (the third Mahdi) to save the ones who have suffered mischief, and the believers. The Sunnah will be revived through him and oppression, injustice and cruelty will come to an end through him. The people will be highly prized and become victorious over their opponents at his time. A beautiful life will be lived, and the earth and the heavens will increase their blessing.." (*)
This quote exists in a handwritten copy of the book titled Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman held in the Suleymaniye Library.
In this quote, there are 2 Mahdis that appear before the real one. They are in fact the forerunners for the Mahdi - those who pave the way for him before he arrives, and appear around the same time he does. These 2 proxies, one succeeding the other, would be Caliphs, but without a Caliphate system or an Islamic state in place. When the Mahdi appears, he would succeed, with their support, in finally overthrowing the despotic tyrants, then establishing his Caliphate over the Muslims.
In another hadith, there identities are specified:
Narrated 'Ali son of Abu Talib:,
“The Prophet said, ‘A man named al-Harith son of Hirath will come from Transoxania (Tajikistan). His army will be led by a man named Mansoor. He will be pave the way for and establish the government of the family of Muhammad, just as the Quraysh established the government of the Messenger of Allah. Every believer will be obliged to support them.’”
(Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 36, No. 4277)
Thus, the first proxy to appear, would a man named "al-Harith", and the one who leads his army and succeeds him as the second proxy, would be the "Mansoor".

The first one is the Hashimite (a descendant of the Hashim tribe),  by the name of Harith son of Hirrath, who will emerge, during the time of the Sufyaani, from beyond the Euphrates River, and his army, the army of the Mahdi, whose vanguard will be the Mansoor . The former (i.e. Haarith) will be preparing the minds of Muslims to-accept the Mahdi when he comes. He will perform the same task for the Mahdi, what the Qurayish performed for The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) in Medina before the Hijrah. The Mansoor will aid him in this direction. It is compulsory upon every Muslim to help this Haarith, or to respond to his call.
During this time, there would be a war in Byzantium (Turkey), in which the Byzantine ruler will be at war with one Roman faction (who will be invading them) and will be allied with another (Roman faction). Thus the warring faction will run over Qustuntuniyyah (Istanbul), and will occupy it. The Byzantine ruler will flee and go to Bilad al-Sham. Following this, an agreement is made between the Hashimite and the Romans, which is mediated by an Israelite, descending from Aaron. This agreement will be upheld for seven years.. Together, they will wage war against, and invade, the enemy beyond Rome, and will be victorious. This war would be global.

There would be joint re-conquest of Istanbul, and a Christian from the allied Romans will erect a cross, and announce that "because of the cross, victory was gained, and in the name of the cross we won." On hearing this, a person from the Muslim army will assault him and will say, "No. Islam was victorious and because of Islam victory was gained", and shall go and break the cross. As a result of this incident, war will break out between the Muslims and the allied Romans. Those Muslims, as well as their leader, the Hashimite, will be martyred and the Romans will take over al-Sham. Thereafter, the two Roman factions will join together, breaking their peace-agreement with the Arabs, and then going to war against them.

After the Hashimite's martyrdom, he will be succeeded by the Mansoor, named Shu'ayb son of Salih from the tribe of Tamim. The term "Mansoor" is a title, meaning "victor", or "one who is given victory". As such, Shu'ayb is the one who leads the Mahdi's army to victory. He will lead the army of the Mahdi, who will come from the East carrying Black flags. The East here refers to Taliqan in Khurasan, i.e. Afghanistan. They will pave the way for the establishment of the Mahdi's kingdom. Nothing shall stop their onward march, and eventually they will plant their flags on the soils of Jerusalem.
After al-Sham is taken over by the Romans, Egypt would soon follow, and eventually their rule would extend up to Khyber. At that point, the comet with a tail (a sign of the Mahdi), will appear. Its passing would knock out technology, and cause much devastation across the world, resulting in a shift in the balance of powers. Afterwards, there would be the War of the Euphrates and Ethiopia will attack Sudan, then being defeated. The Sufyaani would then come and take over Syria, then start massacring people in Iraq. When some flee to Khurasan, the Sufyaani's army attempt to move eastward in pursuit of them. Then the Hashimite's army of the Mahdi, now under the leadership of the Mansoor, would engage them in Iran, and defeat them. The Sufyaani's army would escape, then launching an assault into Saudi Arabia, with the help of the Romans, and killing its king. There will be a fight in Mecca, thereafter, between two groups of people, each one seeking the kingdom. However, none of them will gain it. This fight will take place in the month of Zul-Qa'dah, and even in Mina during Hajj, there will be quarrelling. After this, the Mahdi would appear.
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Mas'ood (RA) reports from the Prophet (SAW), who said:
"The world will not come to pass until a man from among my family, whose name will be my name, rules over the Arabs."
(Tirmidhi Sahih, Vol. 9, P. 74; Abu Dawud, Sahih, Vol. 5, P. 207; also narrated by Ali b. Abi Talib, Abu Sa'id, Umm Salma, Abu Hurayrah)
From the above we can see that that the Mahdi would be from amongst the family of Prophet Muhammad, his name would be Muhammad, and he would come to rule over the Arabs.
"The promised Mahdi will be among my family. God will make the provisions for his emergence within a single night."
(Ibn Majah, Sahih, Vol. 2, P. 519)
Thus, the Mahdi will be inspired, and preparations will be made for him in one night to carry out his task successfully. They will actually lead him by the hand towards the Hajare Aswad, where people will then formally pledge their allegiance to him as the Khaleefah. This pledge will take place in front of The Holy Ka 'ba, between the Hajare Aswad and the Maqaame Ibraheem, during or just after the days of Hajj.
Initially the number of people to take the bay 'at (pledge of allegiance) at his hands will be 313, which is the number of Sahaba that took part in the battle of Badr. He will be forty years old at the time of his appointment. This will all take place in the  month of Zul-Hijjah.
Abu Sa'id al-Khudari (RA) narrated that the Prophet (SAW) said:
"Our Mahdi will have a broad forehead and an aquiline nose. He will fill the earth with justice as it is filled with injustice and tyranny. He will rule for seven years."
(Abu Dawud, Sahih, Vol. 2, p. 208; Fusul al-muhimma, p. 275)

The following new year, immediately upon his appointment as the new Khaleefah the Mahdi will witness the direct Help of Allah. This would be considered the first year of the Mahdi's rule, as he only emerged at the end of the previous year. Before the Mahdi, as has already been mentioned, a man from the heart of Damascus, known as the Sufyaani (from the family of Abu Sufyaan) had begun a horrendous campaign of bloodshed and killing, during which no tribe or community will be left alone. Even women and children will be mercilessly butchered. His chief supporters and followers will be the tribe of Kalb. Just before allegiance is pledged to the Mahdi, a great battle will be fought at Ahjar Al Zayt -- The Stone of Oil -- between the army of the Sufyaani and the Muslims of Medina in which the people of Medina will suffer. Shuayb, the son of Salih from Tamin will learn of the coming of the Mahdi and march to join him from Khurasan (Afghanistan) under three banners, under which will be 5,000 warriors ready to pledge their allegiance to the Mahdi. Muslims from Talakaan, Kufa, Yemen and Tunisia will also march to join him.
When this Sufyaani hears of the Mahdi, he will immediately dispatch an army towards Mecca (where the Mahdi will be). The Imam and his handful of followers will easily defeat this army. Then this Sufyaani will himself lead a contingent from Syria towards Mecca to fight against the Mahdi.
This army will be destroyed by an enormous earthquake at Baidaa, a place just after Zhul-Hulaifa, on the way to Mecca. First the rear of the army will be devastated, and when those in front go back to see what had happened, they too will meet the same fate. All but two members of this army will perish, and these sole survivors will take back the news of this disaster. There will be many in this army who had been brought along by force, people who did not intend to oppose the Mahdi. Such people would also be destroyed along with the others, but on the Day of Judgment they will be raised up according to their intentions. When the story of Divine Help being granted to the Mahdi spreads through the Muslim world, the Abdaals of Syria and the pious people of Iraq will come to pledge allegiance to the Mahdi and join his ranks.
Similarly, other Muslim armies from Medina and elsewhere will also come to Mecca and offer their support and allegiance to the Mahdi.
The Mahdi then moves forward to Syria, where he fights the armies of the Sufyaani who has the backing of the tribe of Kalb. He too will send an army against the Mahdi - who will yet again, through The Grace of Allah, inflict heavy defeat on his enemies. This will be known as the "Battle of Kalb".
The Prophet of Allah actually castigated those who do not participate in this battle against Kalb. The inhabitants of the heavens and the inhabitants of the earth will be pleased with him. It will be compulsory upon all Muslims who hear of the Mahdi to pledge their allegiance and full support to him.

During the Mahdi's reign, he would be involved with three conflicts:
One conflict would be against the tyranny, oppression and injustice in the region, replacing it with equity and justice. Another conflict would be against the Romans, who would be trying to destroy his Caliphate. Then, the final conflict would be against the False Messiah, who would be trying to rule the world, and misguide people to his false religion. This would occur as follows:
With his army now bolstered by saintly and pious people, the Mahdi will defeat his enemies, as we have seen in the initial battles mentioned above. Upon releasing Syria from the oppressive rule of the Sufyaani, whom he captures and executes, he then sends his forces to Antioch to rest. One of the Prophet's companions commented upon the lushness of Antioch saying that he had never seen a place that had so much rain, whereupon the Prophet, praise and peace be upon him, told him that it was because the Torah, Staff of Moses, Tablets and the Table of Solomon, the son of David are concealed within its caves and that not one single cloud comes to it from any direction that does not pour its blessing upon that valley.
Thereafter, he regroups his forces in Syria, and prepares to engage the thieves of al-Aqsa. Shu'ayb, leading the Mahdi's army, attacks the tiny nation. The leader of that nation will fight the Army of the Mahdi, and the same tiny nation is again threatened with destruction because its leader is the cause of its corruption. After they are defeated by the army of the Mahdi, the Mahdi orders his execution, and the small nation is once again restored to the Muslims, and Bayt al-Maqdis, will be restored and reubuilt.
The Mahdi will become the supreme leader and reformer of the Muslim Ummah.
There will be a great Islamic revival, and this Deen will reign supreme, with unity slowly being restored to the Muslims.
He will continue fighting against the despots of the region in his campaign of bringing equity and justice to the world after it had been plagued with oppression.
He will practice and lead people according to the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam).
He will live for twenty years after his emergence, in which he will fight for thirteen, and rule for seven, with complete justice and righteousness, and all this time Islam will be becoming the predominant religion of the world.
The Mahdi will conquer the city of Consta
ntinople (presently known as Istanbul). The story behind this conquest is as follows:
After the earthquakes, which destroyed his enemies, and the subsequent amassing of Muslim armies under his leadership, the Imam will leave Mecca for Medina, where he will offer salaam at the Rowzha Mubarak (The Grave of The Messenger of Allah Sallallahu alayhi wasallam).
Having done this his next step would be to proceed on to Damascus, where the bulk of the Roman forces along with the tribe of Kalb and their Sufyaani leader, would be deployed, as was previously mentioned.
In Damascus, the Imam will set up his headquarters. From here, he will conduct military operations against the despotic tyrants in the region and defeats them, and from here, he will rule. The Bayt-ul-Maqdis (Masjid al-Aqsa) in Jerusalem will also be rebuilt, and the people of Medina will flock to it. This will take him six years.
In response to this, the Roman forces, in the following year, will break their  peace agreement between them and the Muslims, will attack, and destroy the city of the Prophet (Medina), and start to gather their forces against its inhabitants.
At a place known as either A'maq or Dabiq, somewhere near Allepo Syria, 960,000 Roman forces would be assembled under 80 banners representing 80 nations, quite clearly to annihilate the Muslims.
At this time, the Muslims will be gathering their armed forces in Iraq, Syria and Yemen, forming a huge battalion. the Mahdi will send this battalion of mujahideen (Muslim fighters), from among the best people on earth, to engage them. The Romans and the Muslims will be gathering their forces for nine months. Between the time of the initial Roman treachery and their coming out to Dabiq, the Prophet said that nine months will elapse, during which the Mahdi will wage two campaigns initiated by the Dajjal, one against the Arabs that shall not recognize him, and one against the Persians of Khurasan i.e. Iran that shall not recognize him. When the two groups, the Romans and the Muslims, encounter each other face to face, the Romans will request that the Muslims hand over to them those who had fought and captured their Roman brethren. The Muslims will refuse, saying: “By Allah, We will never hand over our Muslim brothers” thus triggering off a fierce battle, which is the beginning of the Great war (i.e. Armageddon). A third of the Muslim army will flee, and Allah will never ever grant them towba (repentance). A third will be slain, and they will be the noblest martyrs in The Sight of Allah. The surviving third will be victorious, never to suffer defeat thereafter.
The initial battle will last four days. Each day the Muslim troops will resolve on oath that they will not return but as victors. For three days, they will fail to crush the enemy, with many men becoming martyrs. On the fourth day, the Romans will falter and succumb to a tremendous onslaught from the remaining Muslim troops. The ensuing slaughter will be unprecedented in history. This decimation will utterly shatter the morale of the Romans.
Thus, the Mahdi will smash the might of the anti-Muslim forces in that period, forces which had come together from all parts of the world.
Pressing forward against the remaining Romans, the next destination will be Turkey. From the Syrian coast, the Mahdi will dispatch 70,000 soldiers of the Banu Is-haq to re-conquer Istanbul, liberating it from Roman rule six years after the war started. They will cross the Mediterranean Sea, bound for Turkey and will conquer Istanbul without the use of a single weapon. Parts of the city will collapse upon the Takbeer and Tahleel of these warriors. They will recite' Laa ilaha ilial-laahu wallahu Akbar' and simply walk over the city. The   Muazhzhins of the Muslims will then establish the five times daily azhaan throughout the city.
The Mahdi will also arrive at Istanbul and set up the structure for his rule, appoint people to govern there and most importantly, make arrangements for the implementation of Islamic law. This conquest will deliver untold fortunes into the hands of the Muslims. As he and his men busy themselves capturing and rounding up these vast riches a rumor will spread that "the Dajjal has broken loose in Syria and is wreaking havoc among your families.” This news will be very disturbing to the Imam, and so consequently, he will hurriedly leave for Syria. In the meantime, ten men will be sent ahead to ascertain the truth. About these ten The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “ I know their names and the names of their fathers they will be among the best warriors in that era.” Prophet e Kareem (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) even knew the color of their horses.
One of them will report that the whole story is false. Dajjal has not yet emerged. This was a lie fabricated by Shaitaan to try and disrupt the progress of the Muslims. the Mahdi will resume his return journey to Syria with greater ease and comfort once he learns that the Dajjaal is not yet loose.
He will stop over in all the towns and cities along the route to survey the situation and make necessary arrangements for government.
Meanwhile the conquerors of Istanbul will march on and invade the enemy territories of Western Europe (Greece, Italy, etc.) in the same manner, with the Takbeer and Kalimah, and eventually conquering Rome in the process.
In the following year, after the Mahdi reaches Damascus the great imposter (Dajjaal), the False Messiah, will now truly emerge and begin his campaign of mischief and corruption between Syria and Iraq. He will remain to do his bidding for forty days, one day like a year, one like a month, one like a week, and the rest like regular days, so these days will in fact cover the length of 428 days.
The Dajjal will have a large following of mainly Jews from Iran, Bedouins, and illegitimate people (those born outside of marriage). The Muslims under the Mahdi will be in Damascus, surrounded by the armies of the Dajjaal from all over the world, and fighting against them on Mount Megiddo.
After the 40th day of the Dajjaal's reign, the Mahdi and his companions will be busy arranging the formation for prayer during the time of Fajr. The jamaat salaah will be almost about to start when suddenly the Messiah Eessa (Alayhis salaam) son of Maryam will descend from the heavens, dressed in two yellow garments, leaning on the shoulders of two angels and join the ranks of Muslims for salaah. The Mahdi will lead that Fajr salaah. He will go out, slaying the followers of the Dajjal, while the son of Maryam chases the Dajjal until he catches up with him at the Gate of Uhud and slays him.
After the slaying of the Dajjal and his armies, the Mahdi will then rule the entire world for seven years with equity and justice.
During his rule, the Muslims will experience great economic enrichment. There will be no droughts and lands will be exceptionally fertile. The earth will yield crops in abundance and of the best quality. This rich agricultural state will ensure a glut of money and food. In fact, so much that people who come to the Baitul-Maal for assistance will be given as much as they can take away.
The hearts of people will become so independent of wealth and so dependent on Allah that when an announcement is made for the needy to come forward, only one person will stand up. When this person will be given wealth in such abundance, he will feel ashamed and would want to return the wealth, but the answer will be: "We do not take back what has been given. It's all yours to keep."
In short the Muslims will live a most luxurious and comfortable life, something they will never ever experience again in this world. The Mahdi will distribute lands equally among people.
After these seven years, this great Imam, a man who provided the perfect sequel to Allah's Supreme Religion -ISLAM, will pass on to the realms of the hereafter. The Muslims will perform his Janaaza salaah and bury him, and the Messiah son of Maryam will then become the new ruler of the Muslims, and the Caliphate will be taken away from the Quraysh.


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